This could well be the crime debut of the year. Set in a turbulent South Africa in the 1950's, Detective Emmanuel Cooper is called in to investigate the murder of an Afrikaans police office, Captain Willem Pretorius. Blending racial politics, sexual tension and family intrigue, Nunn has written a truly gripping thriller.I don’t normally read crime fiction but after reading the first chapter I couldn’t stop and although it is the oldest cliche in the book this is an absolute page-turner. This book introduces us to Cooper and some other memorable and frightening characters and promises to be the beginning of a very popular series. It is due to be released in September. Greg
1 comment:
I read this in proof and really enjoyed it. I just hope it gets proof read properly before release, as there are a lot of mistakes with the Zulu which detracts from the enjoyment. The author should really have checked this herself.
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